Welcome To Raymond

Raymond City Hall
Mayor: Isla Tullos
110 Courtyard Square
P.O. Box 10
Raymond, MS 39154
Phone 601-857-8041
Fax 601-857-0105
On behalf of the City of Raymond, we invite you to discover a small city that has been called Mississippi’s best kept secret. We are not hiding our light under a bushel any longer! We welcome you and encourage you to visit us and discover for yourself the beauty, charm, and romance of antebellum Raymond.
We are a quaint, yet vibrant, and progressive small city that is focused on quality of life issues for everyone. We are a great place for young families, empty-nesters, and seniors. Our public and private schools offer great educational opportunities for our children, K-12. Hinds Community College, in addition to a two-year college program, offers many cultural, educational, and recreational opportunities to all ages.
The crime rate in Raymond is very low. We have an active, young police department that is dedicated to enforcing the laws and to providing good community policing. Our public works department is dedicated to providing quality water and wastewater services for the present while planning for the future.
Our community offers a veritable smorgasbord of festivals and events that are designed to make living and visiting here great fun and quite dizzying if you keep up with them all. Friends of Raymond caters to visitors and locals alike with its civil war reenactments, historic tours, original theatre offering a celebration of a trial of a bedbug, and annual pilgrimages of historic homes and buildings. The Raymond Chamber of Commerce sponsors community events such as the much loved Raymond Country Fair every May and Christmas on the Square, the event that heralds the Christmas season in Raymond.
In short, we have many amenities that add to the quality of life of a community, yet we are small enough to know our neighbors, and strangers on the street are not allowed to stay strangers long. If you don’t believe me, just leave this virtual tour of Raymond and drive on down to see for yourself.
We are here, we are open for business, and we are looking for you to pay us a visit.
Isla Tullos, Mayor
City of Raymond
We all come from the past, and children ought to know what it was that went into their making, to know that life is a braided cord of humamity stretching up from time long gone, and that it cannot be defined by the span of a single journey from diaper to shroud.
~ Russell Baker ~