Welcome To Raymond

You’ve found Mississippi’s best kept secret!

City Government


Raymond was established in 1829 under a special charter that defined the makeup and function of the town and whereupon the basic power of the town rested.  City charters were outlined in state law with the Legislature’s adoption of the 1890 Constitution and subsequent statutes in 1892.  These new charters were called code charters.  After 1892, new towns were organized according to the new statutes.  Previously chartered towns were allowed to choose the new code charter form of government or keep the existing private charter.

Raymond chose the new code charter option and is a Code Charter form of government, also known as the Mayor/Board of Aldermen form of government.

The Raymond Board of Aldermen meets the first Tuesday of every month at 6 o’clock p.m. at Raymond City Hall, 110 Courtyard Square.  The Mayor presides over the meetings with the Board consisting of five aldermen/women.

Municipal Court

Raymond Municipal Court and Court Services

Raymond Municipal Court is held the third Wednesday of each month at the Raymond Municipal Board/Court Room, 110 Courtyard Square, from 1 o’clock p.m. to 4:30 o’clock p.m. On occasion, court dates may change.  Please check with Court Services for a correct date.

Raymond Municipal Court Services is where you pay fines, file charges, schedule court appearances, and acquire Police accident/crash reports, incident reports and criminal history checks.  Court Services is located at Raymond City Hall, 110 Courtyard Square.  Court Services is open Monday through Friday, 8 o’clock a.m. to 12 o’clock noon and 1 o’clock p.m. to 5 o’clock p.m.  Contact Court Services at 601-857-0072.

Raymond Municipal Court is presided over by Judge Bo Agnew.
Court Clerk: Lisa Raney
Deputy Court Clerk:
City Prosecutor: Kevin Stewart

Raymond Police Department

Chief Jason Crotwell

 Mission Statement of the Raymond Police Department

 The mission of the Raymond Police Department is to maintain social order and provide professional law enforcement services to citizens in the community, within prescribed ethical, budgetary, and constitutional constraints. This department strives to enforce the law and maintain order in a fair and impartial manner, recognizing the need for justice and consistent appearance of justice. The Chief of Police and the Officers of the Raymond Police Department recognize that no law enforcement agency can operate at its maximum potential without supportive input from the citizens it serves. This department actively solicits and encourages the cooperation of all citizens to reduce and limit the opportunities for crime and to assist in bringing to justice those that break the law.


Raymond Fire Department

Chief Wilson
Fire Chief – Mike Wilson
Assistant Chief – Andrew Arthur

 In 1832, Raymond Fire Company #1 was formed by a group of local merchants and willing residents of the community. Their efforts were the beginning of a life saving and property protection organization that has evolved into the department that we see today. The Raymond Fire Department (RFD) is 100% Volunteer today, just as it was in 1832.

 The department serves as first responders to approximately sixty-five to seventy square miles of Hinds County, including the City of Raymond.  The RFD has the responsibility of protecting hundreds of lives of residents, students, employees, and prisoners, in addition to the millions of dollars invested in the area.

 The RFD responds to fires and calls for emergency medical assistance from its station located at 109 West Court Street, Raymond.

 Raymond has a Fire Insurance Rating of 8.  The city and surrounding area are served by 2 13,000 gallon Tanker/Pumper Trucks and 3 rescue units.


Public Works 

The Raymond Public Works Department is responsible for all water and wastewater services and for the streets and maintenance of city properties.

Water and Wastewater Services
Water and Wastewater Operator:     INFRAMARK

Water Clerk:
Water Department: Raymond City Hall, 601-857-8041

The City is committed to delivering clean, safe drinking water as directed by the Mississippi Department of Health. The City is responsible for the maintenance of all water distribution systems in the City. This includes wells, distribution lines, and meters.

The City also operates the waste treatment systems as directed by permits allocated through the Department of Environmental Quality.

Water Leaks and/or Meter Maintenance

Please call Raymond City Hall to report a water leak or suspected leak or a problem with your water meter. Water leaks between the meter and the residence or business to which it supplies water are private lines and leaks are not the responsibility of the city.

Request for Water Service

To request water service or new water/wastewater tap, please see the Water Clerk at Raymond City Hall, Water Department.

Maintenance and other City Services

Over all Maintenance: Tommy Pullen and Dannie Kimple

Street Patching and Pot Hole Repair

City employees are on patrol to fill potholes and repair streets throughout the city.  Cold weather and rain are two of the culprits that cause streets to deteriorate.  Citizens are welcome to call City Hall to report potholes and rough areas.

Leaves and Limb Pick-up

The City normally schedules limb pick-up on Thursdays.  The city will not pick up any limb larger than 4 inches in diameter, 4 feet in length, or weighing more than 75 pounds. All limbs must be cut into manageable lengths.  Please pile limbs on the neutral ground by the street, not IN the street.

Do not block sidewalks and ditches. Place the limbs in such a way that there are no overhanging lines or structures to interfere with pick up.  Your piles must contain tree limbs or shrubbery clippings only.  No household or construction garbage will be accepted.  This includes boards, wires, fencing, etc.

It is the duty of any landscaper, tree surgeon or tree trimming contractor to immediately remove all debris generated that day.

The City will pick up leaves that are raked, bagged, and deposited on the curb.  Citizens are asked to remove all trash and sticks from the leaf bags.  The City will pick the leaves up as time permits on the regularly scheduled limb pick up day.

Beautification of City Property

The city takes pride in keeping a beautiful clean town.  The Maintenance Department is responsible for mowing the public right of way on Highway 18 and inside the city, sweeping streets and curbs free of leaves and trash, maintaining ditches, the cemeteries, parking lots, flower beds, and other city property.

Mosquito Spraying Program

The summer mosquito spraying program is done at the peak of mosquito season during the evening or night when mosquitos are most active.

Citizens are encouraged to eliminate all sources of standing water around their property.  This includes flower pots and saucers, old tires, pet bowls, gutters, diches, ruts in driveways, and boles of trees.  Mosquitos can reproduce in a very tiny amount of water…even a bottle cap.  Wash those pet bowls and bird baths out every day and replace with fresh water.

Garbage Pick up

Republic Services picks up regular household trash, usually early on Wednesdays.  In the event of a holiday, the scheduled pick up day may be changed.  If you have a question about a schedule change, please call Raymond City Hall.  They will pick-up furniture, bagged leaves and small limbs bundled and tied together, not to exceed 4 feet in length.  These items should be stacked next to your regular household trash.  They will pick up appliances provided any Freon or coolant has been removed by a certified plumber and his tag has been affixed to the item. Doors of appliances should be removed or secured in closed position to protect children from getting inside. They will not pick up boards or building materials.  If you have a large amount of goods other than household garbage, please call the company for additional clarification at 601-420-8278.

Planning & Zoning

Jeff Williamson
Director of Planning and Zoning
City Building Inspector

The Planning and Zoning Department (P&Z) coordinates building or construction projects with the citizens of Raymond, developers, and contractors.  The director provides information on all construction, zoning, and land use requirements; reviews all building permit applications and plot diagrams as they relate to the Planning and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Raymond; receives and takes appropriate action on all applications for dimensional variances, conditional use permits, and zoning amendments; and reviews all site plans.


The City Building Inspector issues building, electrical, plumbing, gas, mechanical, sign and fire inspection permits; reviews plans for compliance for new construction and alteration of existing structures; and performs inspections of various trades on new and altered buildings to assure compliance with the building code.

For information or request for an inspection, please call Raymond City Hall.





We all come from the past, and children ought to know what it was that went into their making, to know that life is a braided cord of humamity stretching up from time long gone, and that it cannot be defined by the span of a single journey from diaper to shroud.

~ Russell Baker ~